Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Questions to ask when looking for the right private tutor

Everyone has different learning styles and attention spans. While a tutor with excellent grades and an impressive tutoring track record could be effective with most children, they might not be quite right for yours. It all depends on their willingness and ability to adapt to the individual learning style of your child, as well as their skill at building a strong rapport with your child. Overall, you want your child to feel comfortable with their tutor.

academic tutoring services in NYC

Below I’ve compiled a list of helpful questions you might like to ask when scoping out a potential private tutor Manhattan. This will give you a greater sense not only of their academic prowess, but their suitability for your child.

1.      What was your biggest tutoring challenge and how did you overcome it?

2.      Describe your favorite tutoring job and explain why you liked it so much.

3.      What was your least favorite tutoring job and why?

4.      What do you like about being a tutor?

5.      What methods do you use to assess a child’s individual learning style?

6.      Tell me a bit about the various tutoring techniques you’ve used in the past.

7.      How do you think you can help my child? What specifically will you do? (Obviously for this question to yield a satisfying answer that gauges the suitability of the private tutor Manhattan, you must first explain what your child is struggling with / what you’re hoping to get out of such academictutoring services NYC).

8.      How do you measure progress and/or address obstacles?

9.      If my child was misbehaving, how would you deal with that?
It’s important to keep in mind that your child will have their own set of expectations for their private tutor Manhattan. Therefore, when interviewing prospective tutors, you should include your child to some extent in the selection process. This will undoubtedly lead to a more successfully tutoring experience for everyone involved.

If you’re looking for the best private tutor Manhattan, then look no further than the talented team of tutors at Big Apple Tutoring. Big Apple Tutoring is one of the most renowned academic tutoring services NYC because they care about matching the right tutor to each student. 

Communicating with your child’s private tutor

Once you’ve hired that talented private tutor Manhattan for some much needed homework help NYC, it’s important to keep the communication channels open to ensure your child is getting the most out of the experience and – most importantly – is excelling academically.
This can be a tricky task, as a tutor doesn’t want to feel micromanaged (and you don’t want to be that parent, do you? Thought not). So how do you go about communicating with your child’s private tutor Manhattan in a way that makes everyone feel at ease while also compelled to be honest? Read on and you’ll find out.

Establish open communication from the get-go

You must establish specific goals not just about your child’s academic progress, but about the way in which you’d like that progress to be reported to you.
You don’t want to have to ask the tutor for a progress report? Then say so. Let them know how often you’d like to be updated and with what kind of information. But you must also keep in mind that private tutoring Manhattan isn’t a “quick fix” solution where you’ll see instant and startling results. Good things indeed take time.
More importantly, what your child is learning may not be the same style in which you learned in your school days. Rote learning is a thing of the past (thankfully). While your child may not be able to rattle off the top of their head all the names of the first ladies of the United States, they are in all likelihood progressing in a more subtle way. They are most likely learning transferable skills and critical thinking skills that are developed and honed over time. This is vital to the educational success of your child, because critical thinking skills aren’t just something that will disappear (unlike one’s recall of the different names of rocks in a volcanic explosion).

But what if the tutor only has negative things to say?

Well then, listen with open ears and without any defenses ready to throw back in their face. They are there because they want your child to succeed, so if your private tutor Manhattan is reporting negative aspects, then they’re clearly aware of your child’s barriers to scholarly success and want to fix that.
Work with the tutor to establish why your child still isn’t achieving the academic success you imagined was possible (and talk to the child’s teacher as well for more input), and together work out a strategy to address these issues.

For excellent homework help NYC, call Big Apple Tutoring today. Director Daniel C. Levine hand picks every one on his private tutoring Manhattan team to ensure your child is getting the quality homework help NYC they deserve. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

New School Year, New Struggles

As summer winds down and a new school year ramps up, parents will find their children's responses vary widely. Some kids will fit right into the routine of another school year, while others may have difficulty and soon fall behind.

Here are some tips to guide you through the first weeks of school:

  • Check In with Your Child. If they aren't used to being away from their parents for so long, younger students may struggle with separation anxiety. Children who are new to a school might have difficulty adjusting to simple problems like where the bathrooms are, or more complicated issues like fitting into established cliques. Make sure to check in with your child and ask what issues are concerning them most while they're still adjusting.
  • Reassure Your Child. Some kids just need to know that everything will be all right in the end. If you share your confidence that they can adjust to this new situation, they might start to relax and believe this is an achievable goal. It also helps many children to hear from parents about similar difficulties that parent experienced as a child. Finding out that their fears and concerns aren't unique can prove very soothing to a child.
  • Orient Your Child. Many schools offer orientation sessions before the start of the year, to ease new students (and their parents!) into the adjustments ahead. These sessions can teach your child what's expected of her in school and help make an uncertain future feel safer and more manageable. Once the school year is underway, many teachers will find their attentions divided, but orientation offers an opportunity for your student to communicate one-on-one with a new teacher beforehand.
academic tutoring services

The biggest concern for most students is keeping up with their schoolwork. As tests and homework assignments become more advanced with each new grade, it can be easy for a student to fall behind -- especially in a rigorous and demanding environment like the New York City school system.

Big Apple Tutoring's academic tutoring services might be just what your child needs to get ahead in school -- and stay ahead. Whether they need assistance with a specific paper, exam, or general subject, Big Apple Tutoring offers engaging, compelling, and challenging academic tutoring services that are sure to captivate any young mind.

Tutoring NYC students to make sure they're fully up to speed is the priority of BigApple Tutoring. Contact us now to find out how our academic tutoring services can get your school year started off right.